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Ladder Snake in Aldi Broccoli Bag Shocks Grandad!

The ladder snake had tucked itself into the crevices of the broccoli
The ladder snake had tucked itself into the crevices of the broccoli

A ladder snake, originally exploring a broccoli field in south-western Europe, inadvertently ended up being shipped to a British Aldi store. However, its unexpected journey came to an end when a disgruntled man from Birmingham stumbled upon it.

Neville Linton, a 63-year-old individual, purchased a stem of broccoli from a supermarket in Stourbridge, West Midlands, about a month ago. Oblivious to the serpent’s presence, he stored the vegetable in his refrigerator for three days. To his astonishment, when Neville unwrapped the broccoli, he discovered the diminutive ladder snake still alive and slithering within.

Read more: Crocodile Enters Residential House In India

Being not particularly fond of snakes, the grandfather-of-one quickly retreated and called upon his sister, Ann-Marie Tenkanemin, to assist him. Neville expressed his relief that he had not left the broccoli unattended in the kitchen, as it could have resulted in the snake roaming freely within his home. This would have posed a significant risk, considering there were two vulnerable individuals residing there.

Ladder snakes, are not venomous but have been known to nip humans.

While ladder snakes, predominantly found in Spain and Portugal, are non-venomous, they are known to occasionally nip humans. Taking precautions, Neville and Ann-Marie placed the creature in a container and promptly returned to the Aldi store where the broccoli had originally been purchased. Their intention was to bring the situation to the attention of a shop assistant.

The snake was promptly transferred to the more suitable facilities of Dudley Zoo, where an expert was able to identify its species.

Although compensation has been offered to Neville, he argues that it falls short of addressing the risks posed to his disabled son and vulnerable mother by the presence of the reptile.

Neville expressed his dissatisfaction, stating, “The compensation offered is simply inadequate considering the potential consequences if the snake had escaped within our house. Furthermore, being snake-phobic, there is also the emotional impact to consider.”

A spokesperson for Aldi responded by saying, “Our supplier has never received a complaint of this nature, and they have stringent protocols in place to prevent such incidents from occurring. We are thoroughly investigating this isolated occurrence and have extended our apologies to Mr. Linton for not meeting our usual high standards.”

In 2021, a family in Australia got a nasty surprise when a venomous baby pale-headed snake turned up in a pack of lettuce they had bought from Aldi.

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